Monday, February 12, 2007

I don't understand ...

The ds is on a B team this year ... because they are all first years ... they had us re-classed from A to B ...

so the playdowns this weekend ... we are in first place ... and then we have to play an A team ... ? ... WTF ?!?!?!

We played HARD ... but lost 3-4 ... we tried so hard! The ds was on defense and he was CLEANING HOUSE with all the pucks he was shooting down the ice ... it was a fun game ... and the kids played with their hearts ... no penalties for us - 6 for the other guys ... that has to mean something ...

The other kids were apparently talking smack out there too ... not very sportsmanlike ...

So ... we still have 3 more tournaments before the season is over ... as Gloria Gaynor said " I WILL SURVIVE" !


Eeyore said...

Why are they talking smack? about who? :O

JTT said...

Aw -- making it to the playoffs, then playing a higher level team - or playing 5 games in one day in a tournament while the other team plays 2.... or being told AFTER the championship game that it was the championship game and that who won that (the other team) was the champ even though now the tournament was actually tied??

Welcome to my world. It bites the big one when this stuff happens, but some adult(s) always allow it to happen. It's really very hard to explain this to the kids... I'm still proud of your ds!!!! He should be very proud of himself too!

JTT said...

Oh, not to mention true 9th and 10th graders playing basketball against 19 and 20 year olds. I'm not kidding, this happened at another prep school!!! :0

Mellie said...

Good for the ds to play with such heart!